VCCI Certification


Certification Summary
VCCI in Japan itself is a private organization , but because member is wide and influential, the recognition mark is relatively high , substantially exported to Japan many electronic products are required to have VCCI mark.

Japan VCCI EMC certification mark , Control Council for Interference by the Japanese (VoluntaryControlCouncilforInterferencebyInformationTechnologyEquipment (ITE)) management for IT equipment in accordance with standard electromagnetic radiation interference CISPR22 evaluate IT product meets VCCI requirements, develop a voluntary certification method . The test content for the electromagnetic compatibility testing phase is a good complement to other certification requirements for , it is widely accepted.
Manufacturers should first apply to become a member of VCCI before they can use the VCCI mark.

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PSE Certification

Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law of Japan for the electrical products are divided into compulsory ( prescriptive ) certified products ( 115 kinds of products specified ), using diamond logo certification and non-mandatory ( non -earmarked ) certified products , using a circular PSE mark “certification “that is self- declaration of conformity (DOC) of PSE certification.

Currently , the Japanese government in accordance with the Japanese “Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law” stipulates that the electrical supplies into ” specific electrical supplies ” and “non -specific electrical supplies “, where ” certain electrical appliances ,” including 115 kinds of products ; ” non-specific electrical supplies .” including 339 kinds of products.
Large electrical products market in Japan , Japanese consumers the safety of electrical products very seriously. From April 1, 2001 , the Japanese ” Electrical Products Control Act (DENTORI)” officially renamed the ” Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law (DENAE)”, consistent use of PSE mark , and to strengthen penalties against importers . PSE including EMC and safety requirements of the two parts . PSE certification mode : Type test + initial factory inspection + supervision after inspection . (PSE round factory inspection certification is not required . )

Specific electrical supplies:
Where are the product ” specific electrical supplies ” in the directory , enter the Japanese market must be authorized by METI third-party certification bodies , to obtain a certificate of authentication , and a diamond PSE logo on the label.

Non- specific electrical supplies:
“Specific electrical appliances ” outside electrical supplies are ” non-specific electrical supplies .” To enter the Japanese market, ” non-specific electrical supplies ,” self- declaration by the enterprise mode of expression in line with electrical safety law requires . According DENAN law , the manufacturer is obliged to save the test results and proof , there must be rounded PSE logo on the label.


CCC Certification

December 2001, AQSIQ issued a “compulsory product certification regulations” to compulsory product certification system (CCC certification) to replace the original imported goods safety and quality licensing system (CCIB mark for short) and electrical product safety certification system (referred to as the Great Wall certification).
CCC certification is a statutory compulsory safety certification system. Included in the “implementation of mandatory product certification catalog” of products, including household appliances, automobiles, safety glass, medical equipment, wire and cable, toys and other 22 categories of 170 kinds of products, the catalog of these products must be certified by CCC plus CCC logo affixed to the sales in the market. CCC certification mode: Type testing + Initial inspection of the factory + Follow-up inspection.


KC Mark Certification

1. Certification Overview
In order to enable consumers to understand more clearly marked on the product purchased certification marks , and product manufacturers to reduce the burden of various certification costs, Korea Technical Standards Institute (KATS) August 20, 2008 announced in 2009 a January 1, 2009 introduced a new certification system KC (Korea Certification) certification. KC certification program will be January 1, 2009 for all mandatory use of electronic and electrical products KC logo, to replace the original EK mark the new KC logo.

Electrical and electronic products are divided into two categories: 1 ) mandatory product safety certification ; 2 ) voluntary product safety confirmation . The first category of products which are used in the fifth authentication mode , that type test + factory inspection . Voluntary safety confirmation type testing of products using acknowledgment mode + security certification . Most electrical and electronic products must meet safety and EMC standards.
Certified products must be affixed KC certification mark can only be sold in the Korean market.

2 Our Services

As a Korean certification bodies KTL, KTR other Korean certification bodies collaborating laboratory in China , BSTcan provide KC logo certification testing ( safety + EMC) and the application of certified services.
Meanwhile , BST can provide customers with CB + KC certified one-stop service , while access to more than one test certificate , to help export companies selling products in the international market.


CQC Certification

1, Product Introduction CQC mark certification

China Quality Certification Center CQC certification for products other than the mandatory category , launched a voluntary product certification business ( called CQC mark certification ) to the way Gasch CQC mark indicates that the product meets the relevant quality, safety, environmental protection , and performance standards certification covering more than 500 kinds of products. Designed to protect personal and property safety of consumers , safeguarding the interests of consumers ; improve the quality of products of domestic enterprises , and enhance products in the international market competitiveness ; also makes products to foreign companies better access to the domestic market.

2, CQC Mark Certification Application Guide
1 , submit a new application
Currently China Quality Certification Center CQC mark certification application is accepted (mainly web -based online ) through a network of online and written in two ways ; need to register on the site when the user online application ( the first time) , become legitimate users. When registering, the user needs to fill in information, application information filled again after this can simplify ; After successful registration, the network will automatically provide the required certification documents relating to openness applicant , the application guide, additional data and information .
Completing the application form can be applied for under the circumstances during application :
. 1 CQC mark certification is based on the need to choose Chinese and English versions , and therefore need to use the correct Simplified Chinese , English completing the application form ; while domestic applicants need certification in English , Chinese, overseas applicants need certification requirements apply people accurate translation of content.
2 . Applicants apply for CCC + CB or CQC + when CB, just select the CQC CCC network or CQC + CB + CB to submit two applications simultaneously . CB should pay attention to fill in when applying for accurate English translation of information .
3 Please read carefully the principles and guidelines for dividing cells of various products to ensure product specifications when applying for multiple models in one application, the application of these models for the same unit .
4 In one application, a model specification products with multiple trademarks or more model specifications product with multiple marks, should be taken to ensure that these are registered trademark or trademark holder authorized .
5 In applying for multifunction products , in order to determine the type of product testing standards should be the main features of the product to determine .
6 initial application : Because the initial application for review of the need for the plant , and therefore should fill out an application and select the “first application” in the remarks column indicate the need for ” initial factory inspection ” in the hope factory inspection .
7 again apply : apply depending on whether the product category once again the need for factory inspection , should fill out the application form if you need to select ” apply again ” , fill in the appropriate number in the factory number column.
When changes need to return the original certificate application is certified on the basis of the product change, so should complete the application form to fill in the original certificate number , obtain a new certificate : 8 Change Request .
9 apply for derivative products : Products derived products and have been certified for the same family , the same security unit of the product .
Note the difference when completing the application form to fill in the remarks column is particularly important with the original product , which can help determine the need for sample delivery for type testing . Applicants fill out the application information , the manufacturer , the manufacturer should fill in the name of the corporate name , should fill in the personal name.
For the written application , the China Quality Certification Center CQC received a written application submitted by the applicant
After applying the appropriate information ( manufacturer + product ) entry to the CQC website and inform the applicant of the user name and password , and electronic versions of openness about online certification documents, application guidelines, other information and information into the paper fax or other media notification to the applicant. Applicants fill out a written application CQC should also pay attention to these issues.

2 , the acceptance of new applications
After applicants fill out the application information , depending on the product category , it will be appropriate product certification engineer offices accepted, the application will be given a unique application number , it means that China Quality Certification Center formally accepted the application , certified before the application , the applicant should be timely, regular access to check the application within its own user code, we can see that all of the information and process the application. The applicant submitted a written application , product certification engineer after acceptance, application number will notify the applicant accordingly . The new application is the only application number , the product will be sent to the applicant by certified network engineers in the applicant’s registered users of the application of a “product evaluation activities planned ” This includes from filing to

3 , the entire process of the certified application process circumstances :
1 Information to be submitted for certification ( applicant , manufacturer , product and other relevant information ) ;
(2) the type and number of test samples required for certification provided and sent to the testing organization ;
3 certification bodies for data review and cell division working hours ;
4 sample testing based on criteria , the expected detection cycle ;
5 is expected to arrange the initial factory inspection, review the light of day according to the number of people required to develop plant -scale factories .
6 sample test version of the report and certification of conformity assessment working hours ;
7 Estimated cost of certification : application , approval and registration fees , test fees ( including machine testing, random testing safety components ) , factory inspection .

4 Notes
Multiple 1 Model specifications apply , shall be provided for each model specification product differentiation instructions should be representative prototype models to cover all of the model specifications to avoid sending duplicate sample models ;
(2) the need for randomized trials when the machine and components , in addition to the need to provide components outside the machine technical information and samples ;
3 illustrate the differences derived product application specifications of the product models and prototypes should be provided between the experimental prototype test data provided when necessary .
4 overseas plants require initial inspection of the factory , you should fill out the ” unconventional factory inspection table ” to provide a product description, the product description has been laboratory confirmed , factory inspection can be carried out in the type test phase.
5 Change Change Request shall return the application form along with the original certificate .
Laboratory acceptance prototype, prototype after acceptance , the applicant should obtain “qualified samples received sample receipt” in order to test whether the extended period of inquiry ; If the prototype does not meet the requirements of the laboratory “Sample Issues Report ” issued to the applicant . After sending samples to replenish the applicant for rectification after acceptance to applicants ‘ income sample receipt . ”
Certified engineers receiving the application data sent and, after passing the examination , and to be informed after the samples have been sent to designated laboratories , inspection tasks assigned to the laboratory . Prototype testing cycle into the countdown stage . Prototype during the testing process, if the rectification of the defective items may appear , laboratory fill out the ” product testing rectification notice” , describing the facts failed to determine the time limit for rectification , and also issued a ” corrective measures product feedback form” to the applicant by the applicant in the implementation of corrective measures to fill in and return to the testing organization. Rectification laboratory samples submitted by the applicant , the relevant documentation and completed ” corrective measures product feedback form ” for verification and validation , and the original failed projects and related projects be retested . After re-examination qualified testing agency to continue testing. Only when all the unqualified term corrective qualified testing cycle before re- starts. Applicants should visit the Web site timely application of learned information process. Applicants should cooperate with certified engineers and timely submit the required certification information and samples, the application process should encounter problems and certification engineer , writing the application, certified engineers the information mentioned above will be converted into paper surface in the form of a fax or other media notification to the applicant .